Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Wait

Well, the PET scan is done.  And pretty non-eventful.  I was there at 7 this morning, and they put me in a nice and comfy room.  With the lights dimmed I reclined and curled up in a blanket and plugged myself into my ipod.  It was relaxing, and I floated in that calm space between sleep and wakefulness.  Then guess what song came on shuffle??  Let it Rain!  I have 4,000 something songs on my ipod.  I couldn't believe how appropriate it was.  It is like my battle song.  And granted, first thing in the morning, while relaxing, isn't the best time to listen to dance electronica..but I still turned it up loud, and it felt good.  Minutes later the nurse came and got me, and I was scanned.

And some good news...my neck isn't burning like it was last time. :)

So now we wait.  I should have the results in a couple of days.  I'll be sure to let you all know right away. 

Much love to you all!

Photo by http://ar-ka.deviantart.com/art/Waiting-for-summer-118315896


  1. Was thinking of you yesterday - thanks for the update. AND Love!

  2. Me too. All is Going to be well. Let it rain.

  3. That fluid place where the body and soul evolve sounds exactly like the journey you've been on....and it's starting to rain tonight...always makes me think of you and all of your gorgeousness. You are strong and deeply rooted in all of the love around you! Can't wait to see you! Hugs and love!
