Monday, November 16, 2009

Port Woes

So every Monday I come to Progressive and the nurse accesses my port with a needle.  This stays in me the entire week--tubes all taped to my bandaged chest.  I can't shower, Michael's been washing my hair in the kitchen sink.  But this does keep me from having to be stuck every single day.  It is better for the port too. 

I get respite during the weekend.  I take lots of baths, and can sleep more comfortably. 

So this morning I come in, and three sticks later the nurse gives up.  She can't get a blood return throught the port.  I can tell that she can get the fluids to go in as I can taste it immediately.  But no blood return.  And if you don't get blood return, you can use the port.  So I am back to the IV in my arm.  She assures me that it might have just been a bad day.  But I am so worried that there is something wrong with my port.  I DON'T want to go back and get surgery. 

Well, that is the news for today.  Good things about not accessing it...I can take a bath tonight!  And this also makes me appreciate how much I love having the port.  When it is accessesd, my IVs are like cake.  I don't have to keep a stiff arm, I don't have to worry about ruining my veins. 

I just hope she can get it tomorrow!

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